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Top level | complexus anatomicus Short Extended |
Level 2 | substantia alba systematis nervosi centralis Short Extended |
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FMA:62955 | |
FMA:61775 | |
FMA:67165 | |
FMA:305751 | |
FMA:67135 | |
FMA:49443 | |
FMA:83115 | |
FMA:83143 | |
FMA:83929 |
substantia alba systematis nervosi centralis
Taxonomic list |
FMAID | TA | UID | Pair |
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
83929 | 5076 |
substantia alba systematis nervosi centralis
white matter of central nervous system ; white substance
76738 | 5077 |
12235 | 5079 |
fasciculus neuraxis T3 28 children
fasciculus of neuraxis
83844 | 19860 |
fasciculus encephali
fasciculus of encephalon
75799 | 19861 |
fasciculus medullae spinalis
fasciculus of spinal cord
7886 | part |
tractus intrinsicus funiculi posterioris medullae spinalis ; fasciculus intrinsicus funiculi posterioris medullae spinalis
intrinsic tract of posterior cord of spinal cord of spinal cord ; propriospinal tract of posterior cord of spinal cord of spinal cord; ground bundle of posterior cord of spinal cord of spinal cord
19862 |
fasciculus proprius medullae spinalis
intrinsic fascicle of spinal cord
77026 | 5206 | part |
fasciculus propriospinalis anterior medullae spinalis ; fasciculus propriospinalis ventralis medullae spinalis
anterior propriospinal fasciculus of spinal cord ; ventral propriospinal fasciculus of spinal cord ; anterior ground bundle; ventral ground bundle
77029 | 5242↓ | part |
fasciculus propriospinalis posterior medullae spinalis ; fasciculus propriospinalis dorsalis medullae spinalis
posterior propriospinal fasciculus of spinal cord ; dorsal propriospinal fasciculus of spinal cord ; dorsal ground bundle; posterior ground bundle
77027 | 5219 | part |
fasciculus propriospinalis lateralis medullae spinalis
lateral propriospinal fasciculus of spinal cord ; lateral ground bundle of spinal cord
77030 | 5243↓ | part |
fasciculus septomarginalis
septomarginal fasciculus
73944 | 5244↓ | part |
fasciculus interfascicularis ; fasciculus semilunaris
interfascicular fasciculus ; semilunar fasciculus
77028 | 5207 | part |
fasciculus sulcomarginalis
sulcomarginal fasciculus
258416 | 5245 |
fasciculus gracilis
gracile fasciculus
73941 | 5246 |
fasciculus cuneatus
cuneate fasciculus
9449 | part |
substantia alba hemispherii cerebri
white matter of cerebral hemisphere ; white substance of cerebral hemisphere
83933 | 5954 | part |
substantia alba hypothalami
white matter of hypothalamus
83930 | 11501 |
substantia alba telencephali T3 59 children
white substance of telencephalon
241998 | 12021 |
substantia alba cerebralis
cerebral white matter
256174 | 11999 |
segmentum substantiae albae cerebralis
segment of cerebral white matter
62466 | 12022 |
capsula hemispherii cerebri
capsule of cerebral hemisphere
61960 | 6267↓ | part |
capsula extrema
extreme capsule
61959 | 6266 | part |
capsula externa
external capsule
61950 | 6239 | part |
capsula interna
internal capsule
61951 | 14403 |
divisio capsulae internae
subdivision of internal capsule
61952 | 6241 | part |
crus anterius capsulae internae
anterior limb of internal capsule
61953 | 6244 | part |
genu capsulae internae
knee of internal capsule
61954 | 6246 | part |
crus posterius capsulae internae
posterior limb of internal capsule
61957 | 6254↓ | part |
pars retrolentiformis capsulae internae ; crus retrolentiforme capsulae internae
retrolentiform limb of internal capsule; retrolenticular limb of internal capsule
61958 | 6259↓ | part |
pars sublentiformis capsulae internae
sublentiform limb of internal capsule; sublenticular limb of internal capsule
8805 | part |
substantia alba nucleorum basalium
white matter of basal nuclei
8806 | part |
tractus striatalis
striatal tract
8807 | part |
connexus striatalis
striatal pathway
8808 | part |
connexus afferens striatalis
striatal afferent pathway
8809 | part |
connexus efferens striatalis
striatal efferent pathway
8810 | part |
connexus pallidalis
pallidal pathway
8811 | part |
connexus pallidalis afferens
afferent pallidal pathway
8812 | part |
connexus pallidalis efferens ; fibra pallidofugalis
efferent pallidal pathway ; pallidofugal fibre ▲
18661 | 6265 | part |
corona radiata
corona radiata
62076 | 9508↓ | part |
pedunculus temporalis
temporal peduncle
61943 | 12023 |
segmentum corporis callosi
segment of corpus callosum
61945 | 6078 | part |
rostrum corporis callosi
rostrum of corpus callosum
61946 | 6079 | part |
genu corporis callosi
genu of corpus callosum
6080 | part |
truncus corporis callosi ; corpus corporis callosi
trunk of corpus callosum ; body of corpus callosum
61948 | 6081 | part |
splenium corporis callosi
splenium of corpus callosum
61961 | 5799 | part |
commissura anterior
anterior commissure
61962 | 9149 |
divisio commissurae anterioris
subdivision of anterior commissure
61963 | 6089 | part |
pars anterior commissurae anterioris
anterior part of anterior commissure
61964 | 6090 | part |
pars posterior commissurae anterioris
posterior part of anterior commissure
83932 | 5870 | part |
substantia alba thalami
white matter of thalamus
9046 | part |
substantia alba tecti mesencephali
white matter of tectum of mesencephalon ; white substance of tectum of mesencephalon
83941 | 5432 | part |
substantia alba pontis
pontine white matter; white substance of pons
83942 | 5453 | part |
substantia alba rhombencephali rostralis
white matter of rostral rhombencephalon ; white substance
83944 | 5288 | part |
substantia alba rhombencephali caudalis
white matter of caudal rhombencephalon ; white substance of caudal rhombencephalon
83943 | 9191 | part |
substantia alba cerebelli
white substance of cerebellum
83945 | 5204 | part |
substantia alba medullae spinalis
white matter of spinal cord ; white substance of spinal cord
83465 | 11502 |
segmentum systematis nervosi centralis T3 243 children
segment of central nervous system
83858 | 8389 |
decussatio neuraxis
decussation of neuraxis
5293 | part |
decussatio pyramidum; decussatio motoria
decussation of pyramids; motor decussation
72622 | 5297 | part |
decussatio lemnisci medialis ; decussatio sensoria
decussation of medial lemniscus ; sensory decussation
258174 | 19865 |
segmentum substantiae albae medullae spinalis
segment of white matter of spinal cord
77867 | 5150 |
funiculus medullae spinalis
cord of spinal cord
5241 | part |
funiculus posterior medullae spinalis ; funiculus dorsalis medullae spinalis
posterior cord of spinal cord ; dorsal cord of spinal cord
74000 | 5218 | part |
funiculus lateralis medullae spinalis
lateral cord of spinal cord
74003 | 5205 | part |
funiculus anterior medullae spinalis ; funiculus ventralis medullae spinalis
anterior cord of spinal cord ; ventral cord of spinal cord
83847 | 16703 |
tractus systematis nervosi centralis
tract of central nervous system
279764 | 12388 |
tractus segmenti systematis nervosi centralis
tract of segment of central nervous system
8520 | part |
tractus originis telencephali T4 32 children
tract of origin in telencephalon
7615 | part |
radix centralis telencephali
central root of telencephalon
77626 | 6197 | part |
tractus olfactorius
olfactory tract
260714 | 7616 | part |
tractus associationis originis telencephali ; tractus associationis cerebri
association tract of telencephalon; association tract of brain
8522 | part |
tractus commissuralis originis telencephali ; tractus commissuralis cerebri
commissural tract of telencephalon; commissural tract of brain
77693 | 6085 | part |
radiatio corporis callosi
radiation of corpus callosum
8523 | part |
tractus longus originis telencephali
long tract of origin in telencephalon
8524 | part |
tractus descendens originis telencephali
descending tract of origin in telencephalon
72634 | 8526 | part |
tractus pyramidalis
pyramidal tract
265586 | 8527 | part |
tractus corticospinalis
corticospinal tract
8530 | part |
tractus corticospinalis anterior ; tractus corticospinalis ventralis
anterior corticospinal tract ; ventral corticospinal tract
8531 | part |
tractus corticospinalis lateralis
lateral corticospinal tract
14257 | part |
tractus corticomesencephalicus
corticomesencephalic tract
9196 | part |
tractus corticoruber
corticored tract ▲
8528 | part |
tractus corticoreticularis
corticoreticular tract
8410 | part |
tractus originis hypothalami T4 4 children
tract of origin in hypothalamus
8414 | part |
tractus efferens originis hypothalami
efferent tract of origin in hypothalamus
77482 | 8415 | part |
tractus hypothalamospinalis
hypothalamospinal tract
7917 | part |
tractus originis diencephali T4 20 children
tract of origin in diencephalon
8496 | part |
tractus ascendens originis diencephali
ascending tract of origin in diencephalon
8489 | part |
tractus descendens originis diencephali
descending tract of origin in diencephalon
72400 | 5802 | part |
tractus habenulointerpeduncularis ; fasciculus retroflexus
habenulointerpeduncular tract ; fasciculus retroflexus
8490 | part |
tractus tegmentalis medialis
medial tegmental tract
75216 | 8491 | part |
tractus pretectoolivaris
pretectoolivary tract
75219 | 8492 | part |
tractus prerubroolivaris
prerubroolivary tract
77031 | 8494 | part |
tractus interstitiospinalis
interstitiospinal tract
83846 | 8495 | part |
fasciculus longitudinalis medialis descendens telencephali
descending medial longitudinal fasciculus of telencephalon
8488 | part |
tractus originis mesencephali T4 20 children
tract of origin in mesencephalon
14559 |
tractus ascendens originis mesencephali
ascending tract of origin in mesencephalon
8485 | part |
fibra nigrostriatalis
nigrostriatal fibre ▲
14560 |
tractus descendens originis mesencephali
descending tract of origin in mesencephalon
72645 | 8479 | part |
tractus tectobulbaris
tectobulbar tract
75217 | 5458 | part |
fibra tectoolivaris
tectoolivary fibre ▲
75218 | 5459 | part |
fibra tectoreticularis
tectoreticular fibre ▲
72620 | 8480 | part |
tractus tectospinalis
tectospinal tract
72640 | 8481 | part |
tractus rubrospinalis
rubrospinal tract
8482 | part |
fibra rubrocerebellaris
rubrocerebellar fibre ▲
8483 | part |
fibra rubrofacialis
rubrofacial fibre ▲
83850 | 5476 | part |
tractus tegmentalis centralis
central tegmental tract
77050 | 5322 | part |
tractus rubroolivaris
rubroolivary tract
8475 | part |
tractus originis cerebelli T4 12 children
tract of origin in cerebellum
8471 | part |
tractus longus originis cerebelli
long tract of origin in cerebellum
8463 | part |
tractus descendens originis cerebelli
descending tract of origin in cerebellum
7883 | part |
tractus cerebellospinalis
cerebellospinal tract
75690 | 8469 | part |
tractus fastigiospinalis
fastigiospinal tract
8468 | part |
fibra fastigiobulbaris
fastigiobulbar fibre ▲
8466 | part |
fibra cerebellovestibularis
cerebellovestibular fibre ▲
8467 | part |
fibra cerebelloolivaris ; fibra nucleoolivaris
cerebelloolivary fibre ; nucleoolivary fibre ▲
75691 | 5221 | part |
tractus interpositospinalis medullae spinalis
interpositospinal tract of spinal cord
8422 | part |
tractus originis rhombencephali rostralis T4 5 children
tract of origin in rostral rhombencephalon
14573 |
tractus ascendens originis rhombencephali
ascending tract of origin of rhombencephalon
14574 |
tractus descendens originis rhombencephali rostralis
descending tract of origin in rostral rhombencephalon
83851 | 5302 | part |
tractus spinalis nervi trigeminalis
spinal tract of trigeminal nerve
8448 | part |
tractus originis rhombencephali caudalis T4 48 children
tract of origin in caudal rhombencephalon
8449 | part |
radix centralis rhombencephali caudalis
central root of caudal rhombencephalon
8451 | part |
tractus longus originis rhombencephali caudalis
long tract of origin in caudal rhombencephalon
8442 | part |
tractus descendens originis rhombencephali caudalis
descending tract of origin in caudal rhombencephalon
8443 | part |
tractus raphespinalis
raphespinal tract
75686 | 5310 | part |
tractus raphespinalis anterior ; tractus raphespinalis ventralis
anterior raphespinal tract ; ventral raphespinal tract
8444 | part |
tractus raphespinalis lateralis
lateral raphespinal tract
8445 | part |
tractus vestibulospinalis
vestibulospinal tract
73974 | 5318 | part |
tractus vestibulospinalis lateralis
lateral vestibulospinal tract
8446 | part |
tractus vestibulospinalis medialis
medial vestibulospinal tract
75689 | 5224↓ | part |
tractus reticulospinalis lateralis ; tractus bulboreticulospinalis
lateral reticulospinal tract ; bulboreticulospinal tract ; medullary reticulospinal tract
72619 | 5307 | part |
tractus solitarius
solitary tract
8447 | part |
tractus solitariospinalis
solitariospinal tract
75700 | 5240 | part |
tractus trigeminospinalis
trigeminospinal tract
5247 | part |
fibra cuneospinalis
cuneospinal fibre ▲
5248 | part |
fibra gracilispinalis
gracilospinal fibre ▲
8452 | part |
tractus ascendens originis rhombencephali caudalis
ascending tract of origin in caudal rhombencephalon
8459 | part |
fibra vestibulocerebellaris
vestibulocerebellar fibre ▲
8453↓ | part |
tractus trigeminothalamicus rhombencephali caudalis
trigeminothalamic tract of caudal rhombencephalon
12058 | part |
tractus cuneocerebellaris
cuneocerebellar tract
5320 | part |
fibra cuneocerebellaris
cuneocerebellar fibre ▲
5308 | part |
fibra arcuata externa posterior ; fibra arcuata externa dorsalis
posterior external arcuate fibre ; dorsal external arcuate fibre ▲
5275 | part |
fibra arcuata externa anterior ; fibra arcuata externa ventralis
anterior external arcuate fibre ; ventral external arcuate fibre ▲
8456 | part |
fibra trigeminocerebellaris
trigeminocerebellar fibre ▲
8457 | part |
fibra nucleocerebellaris
nucleocerebellar fibre ▲
72638 | 5305 | part |
tractus olivocerebellaris
olivocerebellar tract
8458 | part |
fibra raphecerebellaris
raphecerebellar fibre ▲
8460 | part |
fibra vestibulocerebellaris secundaria
secondary vestibulocerebellar fibre ▲
8461 | part |
fibra gustatoria ascendens
ascending gustatory fibre ▲
7944 | part |
tractus originis medullae spinalis T4 44 children
tract of origin in spinal cord
5250 | part |
fibra spinogracilis
spinogracile fibre ▲
73968 | 5226 | part |
tractus spinomesencephalicus
spinomesencephalic tract
5327 | part |
fibra spinomesencephalica
spinomesencephalic fibre ▲
5249 | part |
fibra spinocuneata
spinocuneate fibre ▲
75684 | 5217 | part |
tractus spinothalamicus anterior ; tractus spinothalamicus ventralis
anterior spinothalamic tract ; ventral spinothalamic tract
73965 | 5227 | part |
tractus spinothalamicus lateralis
lateral spinothalamic tract
72643 | 12547 | part |
tractus spinoolivaris
spinoolivary tract
75213 | 5332 | part |
fibra spinoolivaris
spinoolivary fibre ▲
75696 | 5238 | part |
tractus spinocervicalis
spinocervical tract
7960 | part |
tractus spinocerebellaris
spinocerebellar tract
8419 | part |
tractus spinocerebellaris rostralis
rostral spinocerebellar tract
72642 | 5312 | part |
tractus spinocerebellaris anterior ; tractus spinocerebellaris ventralis
anterior spinocerebellar tract ; ventral spinocerebellar tract
73950 | 5319 | part |
tractus spinocerebellaris posterior ; tractus spinocerebellaris dorsalis
posterior spinocerebellar tract ; dorsal spinocerebellar tract
7538 | part |
tractus spinothalamicus
spinothalamic tract
5326 | part |
fibra spinoreticularis
spinoreticular fibre ▲
5325 | part |
fibra spinothalamica
spinothalamic fibre ▲
5328 | part |
fibra spinotecta
spinohidden fibre ▲
5329 | part |
fibra spinoperiaqueductalis
spinoperiaqueductal fibre ▲
5330 | part |
fibra spinohypothalamica
spinohypothalamic fibre ▲
5331 | part |
fibra spinorhombencephalica
spinorhombencephalic fibre ▲
7539 | part |
tractus spinovestibularis
spinovestibular tract
7537 | part |
tractus spinoparabrachialis
spinoparabrachial tract
75683 | 14575 |
tractus medullae spinalis
tract of spinal cord
83676 | 14586 |
lemniscus neuraxis
lemniscus of neuraxis
12527 | part |
lemniscus medialis
medial lemniscus
83870 | 14594 |
72611 | 5303 | part |
amiculum olivare
amiculum of olive
83871 | 14595 |
hilum systematis nervosi centralis
hilum of central nervous system
72612 | 5358 | part |
hilum complexus olivaris inferioris
hilum of inferior olivary complex
72541 | 5744 | part |
arbor vitae cerebelli
arbor vitae of cerebellum
83860 | 14577 |
pedunculus systematis nervosi centralis
peduncle of central nervous system
272298 | 5755 | part |
pedunculus cerebellaris
cerebellar peduncle
72615 | 5756 | part |
pedunculus cerebellaris inferior
inferior cerebellar peduncle
72515 | 5759 | part |
pedunculus cerebellaris medius
middle cerebellar peduncle
72495 | 5760 | part |
pedunculus cerebellaris superior
superior cerebellar peduncle
83863 | 16704 |
ansa systematis nervosi centralis
ansa of central nervous system
62451 | 16705 |
ansa diencephali
ansa of diencephalon
62070 | 5874 | part |
ansa lenticularis thalami
ansa lenticularis
72547 | 15977 |
segmentum substantiae albae cerebelli
segment of white substance of cerebellum
72261 | 5566 | part |
velum medullare inferius ventriculi quarti
inferior medullary velum
74508 | 5564 | part |
velum medullare superius ventriculi quarti
superior medullary velum
14562 |
longitudinal part of tract of segment of central nervous system
14563 |
pars longitudinalis tractus medullae spinalis T4 20 children
longitudinal part of tract in spinal cord
14571 |
pars longitudinalis ascendens tractus medullae spinalis
ascending longitudinal part of tract in spinal cord
5232 | part |
pars spinalis tractus spinoolivaris
spinal part of spinoolivary tract
5239 | part |
pars spinalis tractus spinovestibularis
spinal part of spinovestibular tract
14572 |
pars longitudinalis descendens tractus medullae spinalis
descending longitudinal part of tract in spinal cord
77031 | 5213 | part |
pars spinalis tractus interstitiospinalis
spinal part of interstitiospinal tract
73983 | 5214 | part |
pars spinalis tractus tectospinalis
spinal part of tectospinal tract
73995 | 5223 | part |
pars spinalis tractus rubrospinalis
spinal part of rubrospinal tract
5234 | part |
pars spinalis tractus caeruleospinalis
spinal part of caeruleospinal tract ; coeruleospinal tract
14564 |
pars longitudinalis tractus rhombencephali caudalis T4 51 children
longitudinal part of tract of caudal rhombencephalon
14580 |
pars longitudinalis ascendens rhombencephali caudalis
ascending longitudinal part of caudal rhombencephalon
5296 | part |
fibra arcuata interna
internal arcuate fibre ▲
14237 | part |
pars rhombencephalica caudalis lemnisci medialis
caudal rhombencephalic part of medial lemniscus
5304↓ | part |
pars rhombencephalica caudalis tractus spinoolivaris
caudal rhombencephalic part of spinoolivary tract
5324 | part |
pars rhombencephalica caudalis tractus anterolateralis
caudal rhombencephalic part of anterolateral tract
72646 | 5333 | part |
pars rhombencephalica caudalis tractus spinovestibularis
caudal rhombencephalic part of spinovestibular tract
14581 |
pars longitudinalis descendens rhombencephali caudalis
descending longitudinal part of caudal rhombencephalon
5289 | part |
pars rhombencephalica caudalis tractus pyramidalis ; pars bulbaris tractus pyramidalis
caudal rhombencephalic part of pyramidal tract ; bulbar part of pyramidal tract
5292 | part |
pars rhombencephalica caudalis tractus corticoreticularis ; pars bulbaris tractus corticoreticularis
caudal rhombencephalic part of corticoreticular tract ; bulbar part of corticoreticular tract ▲
5290 | part |
pars rhombencephalica caudalis tractus corticospinalis ; pars bulbaris tractus corticospinalis
caudal rhombencephalic part of corticospinal tract ; bulbar part of corticospinal tract
5291 | part |
pars rhombencephalica caudalis tractus corticonuclearis tractus pyramidalis
caudal rhombencephalic part of corticonuclear tract of pyramidal tract ▲
8731 | part |
pars rhombencephalica caudalis tractus pretectoolivaris
caudal rhombencephalic part of pretectoolivary tract
8747 | part |
pars rhombencephalica caudalis tractus prerubroolivaris
caudal rhombencephalic part of prerubroolivary tract
5314 | part |
pars rhombencephalica caudalis tractus interstitiospinalis
caudal rhombencephalic part of interstitiospinal tract
5299 | part |
pars rhombencephalica caudalis tractus tectospinalis
caudal rhombencephalic part of tectospinal tract
5323 | part |
pars rhombencephalica caudalis tractus rubrospinalis
caudal rhombencephalic part of rubrospinal tract
14232 | part |
pars rhombencephalica caudalis tractus tegmentalis centralis
caudal rhombencephalic part of central tegmental tract
14585 |
pars rhombencephalica caudalis tractus caeruleospinalis
caudal rhombencephalic part of caeruleospinal tract
5301 | part |
pars rhombencephalica caudalis fasciculi longitudinalis posterioris
caudal rhombencephalic part of posterior longitudinal fasciculus
14565 |
pars longitudinalis tractus rhombencephali rostralis T4 8 children
longitudinal part of tract of rostral rhombencephalon
14582 |
pars longitudinalis ascendens rhombencephali rostralis
ascending longitudinal part of rostral rhombencephalon
5298 | part |
pars rhombencephalica rostralis lemnisci medialis
rostral rhombencephalic part of medial lemniscus
14583 |
pars longitudinalis descendens rhombencephali rostralis
descending longitudinal part of rostral rhombencephalon
14584 |
pars rhombencephalica rostralis tractus caeruleospinalis
rostral rhombencephalic part of caeruleospinal tract
14566 |
pars longitudinalis tractus diencephali
longitudinal part of tract of diencephalon
14567 |
pars longitudinalis tractus thalami T4 5 children
longitudinal part of tract of thalamus
14589 |
pars longitudinalis ascendens thalami
ascending longitudinal part of thalamus
83675 | 5883 | part |
pars thalamica lemnisci medialis
thalamic part of medial lemniscus
14590 |
pars longitudinalis descendens thalami
descending longitudinal part of thalamus
14568 |
pars longitudinalis tractus mesencephali T4 5 children
longitudinal part of tract of mesencephalon
14587 |
pars longitudinalis ascendens mesencephali
ascending longitudinal part of mesencephalon
5608 | part |
pars mesencephalica lemnisci medialis
mesencephalic part of medial lemniscus
14588 |
pars longitudinalis descendens mesencephali
descending longitudinal part of mesencephalon
14569 |
pars longitudinalis tractus telencephali T4 2 children
longitudinal part of tract of telencephalon
14578 |
pars longitudinalis ascendens telencephali
ascending longitudinal part of telencephalon
14579 |
pars longitudinalis descendens telencephali
descending longitudinal part of telencephalon
14570 |
pars longitudinalis tractus cerebelli T4 2 children
longitudinal part of tract in cerebellum
17687 |
pars longitudinalis ascendens cerebelli
ascending longitudinal part of cerebellum
17688 |
pars longitudinalis descendens cerebelli
descending longitudinal part of cerebellum
12235 | 13357 |
fasciculus nervi
fasciculus of nerve
242 items
454 entities
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
5224 |
For the Reticulospinal tracts various terms are used in the literature. Following the study on human reticulospinal fibres by Nathan PW, Smith MC, Deacon P (1996 Vestibulospinal, reticulospinal and descending propriospinal nerve fibres in man. Brain 119:1809-1833), here, a simplified subdivision into a Lateral (from The Myelencephalon) and a Medial reticulospinal tract (from the Pons) is advocated.
5242 |
Nathan and Smith described the Propriospinal fasciculi as Posterior or Dorsal, Lateral, and Anterior or Ventral Ground bundles (Nathan PW, Smith MC 1959 Fasciculi proprii of the spinal cord in man. Brain 82:610-668). The term Fasciculus septomarginalis (Septomarginal fasciculus) is used for: 1) the Oval bundle of Flechsig, present at lumbar levels; and 2) the Triangle of Philippe-Gombault, present at sacral levels (see Schoenen J, Grant G 2004 The spinal cord: Connections. In: Paxinos G, Mai JK, eds: The Human Nervous System, 2nd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 236-265). The term Fasciculus interfascicularis is also known as the Comma tract of Schultze, present at cervical and high thoracic levels. According to Nathan and Smith (1959), the Comma tract consists of descending divisions of the cervical and upper thoracic dorsal roots. The Fasciculus cornucommissuralis is present throughout the cord, best developed at lumbar levels; situated along the medial side of the posterior grey column abutting the posterior commissure. It consists of ipsilaterally running propriospinal fibres (see Schoenen and Grant 2004).
5243 |
See note # 5242
5244 |
See note # 5242
5304 |
For the Tractus spinoolivaris (Spino-olivary tract) as eponym Helweg tract is used. Smith and Deacon (Smith MC, Deacon P 1981 Helweg's triangular tract in man. Brain 104:249-277) denied that Helweg's tract contains spino-olivary fibres; more likely reticulospinal; Helweg's tract can be identified in Weigert-stained sections, but hardly in Luxol-Fast-Blue-stained sections. The term Fibrae olivospinales is deleted (non-existent); they are probably reticulospinal fibres; see Brodal A 1969 Neurological Anatomy in Relation to Clinical Medicine, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, New York).
6254 |
The Pars retrolentiformis of the Internal capsule should be treated as a separate component, not as part of the Posterior limb; Crus retrolentiforme suggested as synonym. The Pars sublentiformis also forms a separate component of the Internal capsule; Crus sublentiforme suggested as synonym.
6259 |
See note # 6254
6267 |
The Capsula extrema (Extreme capsule) forms one of the Long association systems involved in language processing (see Catani M, Thiebaut de Schotten M 2012 Atlas of Human Brain Connections. Oxford University Press, Oxford).
8453 |
See note # 8426
9508 |
The Pedunculus temporalis (Temporal peduncle) forms the connection between the temporal and frontal lobes and contains: (1) the Fasciculus occipitofrontalis inferior (Inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus); and (2) the Fasciculus uncinatus cerebri (Uncinate fasciculus).
Signature |
Type of list | T2F |
List Unit Identifier | 5076 |
Sublist 1 | 5079 fasciculus 28/13 on 12.7.2024 |
Sublist 2 | 11501 substantia alba telencephali 59/32 on 13.7.2024 |
Sublist 3 | 11502 segmentum systematis nervosi centralis 243/132 on 13.7.2024 |
Sublist 4 | 14562 pars longitudinalis tractus segmenti systematis nervosi centralis 101/50 on 14.7.2024 |
Subtotals | subchildren 431 subunits 227 |
Proper children | 22 |
Number of children | 453 (validated) |
Proper units | 15 |
Number of units | 242 (validated) |
Signature | 475 (validated since 14.7.2024) |
Date: 06.01.2025 |